Dead in defense of his chastity

In Marta Obregón Rodríguez you will find a figure to imitate, the testimony of a young exemplar. You will be able to know details and data of a young Christian who lived the following of Christ until the last consequences, with courage and generosity. His life was sealed with a death that the Church will say, in its day, if it judges it thus, martyrial. But many features of his life were also exemplary.

We invite you, be young or older, to "browse" through these pages, to see the videos that come under these lines, to read the full biography of Marta or to entertain yourself with any of the Testimonies.

We would like to see Marta at the altars, but that depends above all on God, and also, a little on you. If you pray, if you ask God for something through it, and you receive some grace, you can communicate it by postal or electronic mail to this Archdiocese of Burgos. Also, if it seems good and you can, it is possible to give a donation to help publicize his figure and for the administrative and legal expenses involved in the beatification process.

The important thing, the most important thing, is that we all learn from Martha to believe and imitate Jesus Christ.


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Last updates

Several multimedia documents on the occasion of the publication and presentation of the book with the biography of Marta Obregón and the closing act of the diocesan phase of the Cause of Beatification. Click here.

Several publications in magazines, newspapers and Internet pages about Marta, especially on the occasion of the presentation of the Biography of Marta and the closing act of the diocesan phase of the Cause of Beatification. Click here.

New personal testimony. Click here.

New indications for print pictures. Click here.